Koda Story
KODA is the dog therapy product line established by Keys. Products include chemical-free natural supplements and topical therapies for dogs. We use ancient remedies and modern technology to make natural products that makes dogs feel good and solve both internal and skin problems. We use pharmaceutical grade ingredients in therapeutic proportions to solve problems that account for the top 10 reasons for vet visits. KODA is a combination of wellness products and natural solutions. Koda is Lakota Sioux for “Friend.” The word perfectly describe the intention for our products and their recipients. Today’s dogs are exposed to all sorts of environmental and chemical exposures that are and will shorten their…
Functions and Uses, Keys Articles, Product Ingredients, Product Reviews, Sun Protection - Anti-Aging
The Not New Solar Rx – Improved and Unchanged!
The New FDA Sunscreen regulations are about to go into effect. Last year I wrote and article in July of 2011 about what to expect from the new regulations. The article outlined all of the changes we as manufacturers had to make to make the regulatory changes seamless to consumers.
Industry Articles, Keys Articles, Keys Media and KEYS TV, Simply Wendy, Skin Disorders, Sun Protection - Anti-Aging
Time To Get Wise – Dear 16 Year Old Me!
Wendy Steele, Keys CEO is a Melanoma Skin Cancer survivor. May is Melanoma Month and Wendy has written an article expressing here concern that May is also prom month. That little white dress does not need a tan to set it off! So, it is time to get wise. If the article is not convincing enough, the video just might be!
Keys Natural Beauty Regime’s – When To Use What & Why
We have published charts to show what our products do, when to use them, what order to use them and what to expect for three different skin types. We also have new build your own regimes at our Specials Category
Dramatic Skin – Keys Reflex ProBiome – New Revolution
Reflex ProBiome – The Back Story Reflex is one of the oldest new products we have. I know that does not make sense. It does to me because I developed Reflex almost five years ago and have been testing it since under the code name of Silken. My problem was that the delay had nothing to do with developing the product, packaging or refinement. My problem? At least three of the ingredients I needed were not available in quantities greater than a few gallons. If you keep in mind that I need thousands of liters or gallons to bring a product to market, a single liter is only good to…
Travel Tips from Dr. Amy
Tips to Stay UltraHealthy While Traveling Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, with family, friends or solo here are some tips to stay UltraHealthy while away from home
Keys Cross – The Many Uses of Omni Spray Elixir
This post features the Functions and Uses of Keys Omni. It is a new category for Keys products on Clean Green Cafe. We have constructed a table along with a description to give people an idea of what they can use our products to solve their skin problems.
Is Your Body’s Engine Running Optimally? Dr. Amy
Is Your Body's Engine Running Optimally? When your car's engine is finely tuned and running optimally; you know it. Likely that is the case with your own body also, and when it is out of tune you know that too.
A Close Shave
Close Shave? I am often asked why we do not make a shave cream or shaving soap. My answer? We already do!
Skin ‘Sees’ UV Light, Starts Producing Pigment
In a new study, biologists report that melanocyte skin cells detect ultraviolet light using a photosensitive receptor previously thought to exist only in the eye. This eye-like ability of skin to sense light triggers the production of melanin within hours, more quickly than previously thought, in an apparent rush to protect against damage to DNA.
Scientists Use Laser Imaging to Assess Safety of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in Sunscreen
Australian and Swiss scientists have found that the nano zinc oxide particles did not penetrate beneath the outermost layer of cells.
Chemical-Free Skin Health Book, Chemicals, Keys Articles, Natural Beauty, SK!N - The Book, Skin Disorders
SK!N What’s Normal pH?
by Bob Root, Keys CTO There is another book on the horizon for us. The working title is simple, “SK!N”. After Chemical-Free Skin Health was published, I started to get so many questions that focused more on “what to do” than what is wrong. Yes, there will be a chapter about the negative effects of chemicals in products. The majority of the book are things that we should be doing to improve skin health which has a direct connection to youthful appearance and beauty. These articles are snippets from the book which are triggered by questions that I get that I think are important now! Books just have…
Safe Cosmetics Bestows Champion Status On Keys Care
Market Shift: Keys Care Receives “Champion” Status – Fulfills Safe Products Pledge Consumer demand for safer products drives fastest-growing market segment The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics announced today that Keys has achieved the highest recognition earning “Champion” status by meeting the goals of the Compact for Safe Cosmetics, the Campaign’s voluntary pledge to avoid chemicals banned by health agencies outside the U.S. and to fully disclose product ingredients – a pioneering practice in the cosmetics industry. “Congratulations to Keys for being a ‘Champion’ and for demonstrating that it’s possible to make personal care products that far exceed current safety standards in the United States. A growing number of consumers are…
Chemicals, Industry Articles, Keys Articles, Natural Beauty, Natural Healing, Product Ingredients, Product Reviews, Skin Disorders, Sun Protection - Anti-Aging
The News Is Not All Bad!
I must admit that I have been CNN Free for nearly tens years. Really! I find myself working at looking at the world through positive lenses. I have found that watching things out of my control affects my overall health. This is not an “ignorance is bliss” approach to living as much as it is a focus on what I can effect, affect and control. For some time now, I have been afflicted with the belief that much of our health is not about doctors, prescription or even prevention. As I have studied, for my own life, I have found that health and specifically skin health, are directly relates to changing behaviors…
What Some Sunscreens Are Hiding…(Republished)
It is summer and it is sunscreen season. Below is an article I recently wrote about the new welcomed changes from the FDA that will force manufacturers to reveal what is in their sunscreens. Please read it and the links to the FDA. This change has go a long way to help save lives through UVA and UVB dangers awareness. Also, since this new regulation, I thought it would be good to reprint the blog article herein. I encourage you to study to protect you and your family. My grandfather used to say to me, “make up your mind. Don’t let someone make up your mind for you!” It is…
New FDA Sunscreen Regulations
by Bob Root It has been about three years of communication with the FDA before the new sunscreen regulations came out June 11, 2011. The FDA requested input from many companies and organizations. Keys and other presented facts, opinion and wishes. For some the time and the angle of the new direction have been touted as too little and too late. I for one am happy with the changes.
Skin Cancer & “The Ugly Duckling” …Hold the Mayo! (Update May 21st)
WISDOM FROM “UGLY DUCKLINGS” by Wendy Steele (Original Post May 9, 2011…See updates below) My recent experience with several “ugly ducklings” has once again put a bright spotlight on my desire and responsibility to share my personal wisdom about skin health. So far in this month of May, I have had the pleasure to personally talk to and meet many of our mid-west customers during multiple special events. At one event I was wearing several flesh-colored bandage strips on my upper chest and self-consciously made sure that I covered those strategically with clothing, as I did not want to reveal those ugly little bandages. I thought later that perhaps I…
Gluten Sensitivity: Is something You Are Eating Making You Sick?
Gluten Sensitivity: Is something You Are Eating Making You Sick? Are you eating something everyday that could be making you sick? I was! During my second year of medical school I was diagnosed with Graves Disease, an autoimmune disorder that caused my thyroid to be overactive. Each night before going to bed I would eat two pieces of sprouted whole wheat toast so that I could make it through the night without losing weight. Little did I know that each night I was poisoning myself. At that time, I was not aware of the gluten / autoimmune thyroid connection and my intolerance to gluten.
Understanding UVA & UVB
By Bob Root It is a constant quest to understand and then explain the effects of UVA and UVB on our skin and our lives. Our involvement with the Skin Cancer Foundation, Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Scripps and various universities expose me to all sorts of information. I am always searching for the simplest and best explanations to help people understand UV radiation. Clearly I feel that I stand on the shoulders of many scientists and advocates. Below is by far the best I have seen as a simple elegant guide. It comes from the Skin Cancer Foundation and has an equally simple title. Understanding UVA and UVB
Keys Articles, Natural Beauty, Natural Healing, Product Ingredients, Product Reviews, Simply Wendy, Skin Disorders, Sun Protection - Anti-Aging
Keys Omni – New Revolutionary Skin Spray Elixir
Omni – Skin Elixir Spray 60ml (2oz) Omni is a revolutionary product from every aspect. Omni is a technology term derived from the Latin word Omnis meaning “all.” When we began to develop AquaVit, it became clear that our Ariane ingredient had wonderful properties. Omni was originally being developed with an ingredient we named Miras. Miras is a special ingredient that comes from the fruit of the Forsythia plant and has very high levels of Oleanolic which is known to have many healing and cleansing properties for the skin without harming the skins probiotic EcoSystem. We then combined Ariane and Miras together for a combined effect that rivals any skin…
New AguaVit – Toner Tonic from Keys
I am very happy to announce a new product long in development called AguaVit AguaVit is more than a toner. Take one sniff and the scent conjures deeply rooted emotions of times gone by. AguaVit means “Water of life.” It is made from a functional ingredient created by Keys called Arianne. To make Ariane we blend & distill whole organic orange, lime, cranberry, cucumber, juniper berry, star anise, cassia cinnamon, anise seed, ginger and clove.
You are what you apply – to your skin!
You are what you apply – to your skin! What’s in your body lotion? You’ve heard the old adage “you are what you eat.” Now I’d like to add another to that. “You are what you apply.” To your skin, that is! Substances that affect your overall health and wellbeing don’t simply work their way through your system by travelling the gut alone. An often-overlooked route – the transdermal (through the skin) route – allows substances ranging from the beneficial to the bad to enter your bloodstream and circulate throughout your body. So, if you are what you eat, and you are what you apply, the question is: what are…
Keys Articles, Natural Beauty, Natural Healing, Product Ingredients, Product Reviews, Skin Disorders
AguaVit & Omni – Two New Functional Ingredient Products From Keys
Keys Skip Generation Technology – Blended Whole Botanicals by Bob Root Keys Technologist We are about to introduce two new products that represent a significant advancement for us and the industry. AguaVit and Omni are two new products coming soon that employ a remarkable change for us in how we produce products that offer functionality, efficacy and performance. Traditionally, companies blend ingredients to create a new product. These can be oils, essential oils, extracts and blends of ingredients that were separately processed. Often these ingredients are estered or separated and refined for a specific function. For example, Vitamin E can be refined from vegetables to look for and extract only…
Bob Root Begins Book Tour! Asks! Are We Killing Our Skin’s Ecosystem?
Chemical-Free Skin Health is the book written by Bob Root that is a compilation of all his experiences being on the road with Keys customers. The book answers the most commonly asked questions as well as proposing some radical ideas about skin health. Bob features information about the Human Microbiome Project and the National Institutes of health that is a spin-off of the human genome project. Of all the points Bob makes in the book, the one that drives his continued passion is his deep concern that the chemical bactericides used as preservative in most skin care and household products are destroying the natural ecosystem on our skin. Parabens…
The Future of Medicine is NOW!
The future of medicine is now. If I asked you to describe your ideal physician – what would he or she “look” like? Would she be compassionate and empathic? Would she meet with you for a hour or maybe even two? Would she listen attentively to every detail of your health history knowing it’s interconnected like a web and everything is a clue into your present state of health? Would she be knowledgeable about nutrition, environmental toxins and stress reduction, and more importantly, spend time talking with you about these things? Would she be concerned with preventing disease and getting to the root cause of your illness instead of just…
UltraHealth…What A Concept! A Real BHAG!
UltraHealth…What A Concept! A Real BHAG! by Bob Root, Keys technologists & founder In tech, we had a phrase that we used to differentiate really big projects. BHAG stands for a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. When I helped to start Keys, we had some big hairy goals. Universal Wellness was perhaps the biggest. Remember, I am from high tech engineering, a practicing quantum physicist and a dreamer. Ergo a futurist who believes anything is possible. The adage that anything new is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration simply means to me that usually one person or a few have the spark of an idea and then it takes many more people…
Wendy’s #1 Life Rule: Simplify!
Wendy’s #1 Life Rule: Simplify! Keys Products Have Many Uses! We design products that can simplify your life. At Keys we think differently! Over six years ago, when we started designing and manufacturing skin health products, we had a fundamental belief that we could invent products that would solve skin issues and make people feel good. We were inspired by our imagination and explored the use of revered healing natural ingredients so that each of these products effectively would have more than one use. We believed they should be simple, safe and make life less complex every day. What a concept and it is our reality!
Chemical-Free Skin Health Book Now For Sale!
The new book by Bob Root is now available for sale. The book is available on the Keys web site store as well as various book sellers like Amazon.com and Barnes & Nobel. Below are the links to the book sale pages. Keys Online Store: Click Here Amazon.com: Click Here Barnes & Nobel: Click Here
New RediCare Locking Sprayer
We are pleased to announce the next generation sprayer head for our RediCare product. The innovations for this new design development are a finer mist spray, more even and less pressure required to operate and a new integrated locking mechanism. Most people quickly notice the new locking mechanism. The prior sprayer used a “wishbone” clip that kept the pump from operating while in a bag, backpack or pocket. The problem with the old design is that the small clip was easily lost. In the process of developing the next generation sprayer, we sought all the new features plus an integrated lock. As simple as it seems, it took us a…
Triclosan Ban Could Be On The Way
Bob Root in his new book Chemical-Free Skin Health outlined many of his concerns over the widespread use of Triclosan in foods, products and skin care. The article below was dated today in the Natural Products Manufacturers newsletter. From Natural Foods Merchandiser The Environmental Protection Agency is considering whether to ban the antibacterial chemical triclosan in consumer products, in response to a petition submitted by 82 environmental and public health groups led by Beyond Pesticidesand Food & Water Watch.
Fragrance – Keys Reports
In an effort to bring relevant information to you, we occasionally find interesting reports. This one tags onto the EWG Fragrance Report and includes concerns we have had for a long time regarding unlisted chemicals in fragrance found in household products. This is a FYI for you! ____________________________________________________________ Scented Consumer Products Shown to Emit Many Unlisted Chemicals
Gathering Thyme, New Bay Area Keys Reseller Opens in Marin County
Gathering Thyme is a new community herb shop and holistic health education center focused on providing Marin County and the Bay Area with exceptional natural healthcare products, education and support. “Keys is very excited to add Gathering Thyme to our reseller list because they are true trusted advisors in their community,” said Wendy Steele, Keys CEO. In the retail shop you will find a wide selection of high-quality locally-sourced herbal products including the very best in bulk herbs, teas and spices; Western, Chinese, and Ayurvedic herbal formulas; practitioner-lines of dietary supplements; a terrific selection of organic face and body care products for women, men and children; a large selection of…
Keys Featured at the 2010 California Women’s Conference
New book, “Chemical-Free Skin Health” premiered at the California Women’s Conference. Keys creates ECO Island. Keys product chosen by Maria Shriver for second year in a row for speakers’ gift bag. Long Beach California, October 25, 2010, California Women’s Conference. “Chemical-Free Skin Health” is a new book written by Keys founder and Chief Technology Officer, Bob Root. The book is the first written by a natural products industry formulator to help users make better buying choices for safer cosmetics and safer personal care products. Bob Root offered, “I wrote my book because I realized that many people want safer cosmetics and safer personal care products, but they did not know…
Chemical-Free Skin Health Book, Chemicals, Industry Articles, Keys Articles, Natural Beauty, Product Ingredients
On The Press! New Book by Keys Founder – Bob Root
Chemical-Free Skin Health! Bob announced the beginning of a book focused on skin health over two years ago at the Natural Products Expo West. His book will be published in early October and Bob will officially launch the book at the 2010 California Women’s Conference. Maria Shriver chose Keys Luminos for last years Women’s Conference for the speakers gift bag. This year, she chose Keys Solar Rx for the speakers gift bag. The book, titled “Chemical-Free Skin Health” with a subtitle of “Stop • Challenge • Choose” will be published by Orion’s M42 publishing company and will be sold on the show floor by Vroman’s bookstore. Bob will be at…
The Story of Cosmetics • Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Comments of the personal care industry, by Bob Root, Keys CTO “The world is a changen,” is an old southern phrase. It generally means that new things continue to appear at a little to fast a pace. The concept of safe cosmetics does not fit into that phrase. I believe we are actually returning to the basics and our roots from not a too distant a past. Our first lotion was a refined version of one my grandmother created. She taught me to make a very fine lotion that she used to simmer on the pilot light (Google ‘pilot light’ if you are under 40) on the stove.…
Triclosan: The Biocide That Creates Super Bugs?
Triclosan: The Biocide that Creates Super Bugs? By Bob Root, Keys Technologist Chemical Warfare Chapter 12: Biocides: Indiscriminate killers that create super bugs? For almost two years, I have been working on a book draft titled, “Chemical Warfare.” It is a book focused on simplifying information about personal care and household products uses and concerns for public safety. As I studied, I realized how much hearsay there was in the industry. Taking a scientific approach, I turned to the research community for insights and facts…as best as they are. Part of my dedication was and is to release information that is important in real-time. Books, after all, are merely…
Keys Now Blog Merges with Clean Green Cafe
In a world of fast paced communications, we continue to try to simplify, condense and corral the information we present in a way that helps clarify not only our position, but that of the natural products industry. Over the next few month, we will continue to simplify all that we present to be in one place. Here! The Clean Green Cafe offers both a chat forum and a blog. These are now condensed to this location and available on the tab bar above. The writing style will continue to be firm, frank and friendly bringing all of what we can find out that is going on, the trends and our…
Ele Keats Actor – Artist – Keys Fan
Ele Keats Actor Artist Keys Fan! When we started Keys, we began small with a few products and some real fans. Our core belief is that products should solve problems and make people feel good about themselves and what they are using in and on their body. As we have grown, we feel it is time to honor some of those that we have helped, have been with us for a long time and those using our products in unique applications. Featured Keys Customer: Ele Keats, Hometown: Hollywood California
Chemicals, Keys Articles, Natural Beauty, Natural Healing, Product Ingredients, Skin Disorders, Sun Protection - Anti-Aging
About Us – A Defining Moment
Keys was born from a need for natural skin care products the likes of which did not exist before we started. Our founder, Wendy Steele, survived Melanoma and her story of her road to recovery was littered with prescription products that almost worked. The trauma showed her the clear vision need for products that really worked to solve skin problems. Because they are natural, they also made her feel good with a new youthful appearance and the resulting contentment showed her the way in creating Keys In the simplest of messages, Keys is ancient remedies employing modern technologies for people with skin disorders, those that want to be chemical-free, people who…
EWG 2010 Sunscreen Report – Sunscreen For Dummies
Bob Root, Keys CTO It is that time of year again when the various sunscreen reports come out. The Environmental Working Group 2010 Sunscreen Report is out a couple of months early. Once again, Keys Solar Rx receives great marks in the Moisturizer with SPF category. I offer the title above with a great deal of respect for this years EWG 2010 Sunscreen Report. I use the colloquial title because for the first time I feel there is a report that we can all read and understand. Good on ya EWG for making something that we can read and learn as well as drill down for the details. This year there are some interesting…
Toxic America with Dr. Sanjay Gupta and EWG’s Ken Cook
We always endeavor to report on things that we know based on facts or studies. This small review is most definitely and opinion piece from us, so you should form you own opinion by reading the links and watching the various videos available at the links. Keys Review, Toxic America Well if you missed it, the CNN series with Sanjay Gupta titled Toxic America was quite good.
Parabens Good Or Bad Guys
Both? As a part of my ongoing series of looking at the Dirty Dozen Chemicals shown to provide elevated cancer rates in people and animals, in this article, I outline why we do not use parabens leaving the judgmental diagnosis to the NGO’s attacking them. The Dirty Dozen Chemicals are a list of 12 developed originally by the Marin County Cancer Project which at the time, had the highest Cancer Rates in the US. Followed by Search For The Cause and Teens Turning Green the list is now designated the Dirty Thirty. So, are parabens good guys or bad guys? Both it seems and there is a why we do…
Wax and Other Things That Threaten Mankind
Ingredients, Skin Deep Report and Everything Else… Musing from an interview with Bob Root, Keys Care CTO I recently took up Storm Chasing as a hobby… Just kidding although I feel like one of those guys chasing Tornado’s in the Midwest when it comes to the natural products industry. I was recently on a conference call with various members of the Natural Products Manufacturers Association enraged about a change that the EWG had made in the rating of Vegetable Emulsifying Wax from a 1 to a 4. The tone was angry because as Compact Signers, we were not given a why, who, what or a heads-up at all to the change. …
Keys Product Labels
We have always published our product labels on our website. Admittedly they have been a little hard to find and took some work. As a part of the evolution of our website and our dedication to simpler more informed content, we have created a page on our blog dedicated to our products from an informational standpoint. The page on the main menu bars above and to the right show a new category called “Keys Products.” As we add information, it will appear in this category and as a brief article like this one. So, now all of our label art in flat pattern is available to be viewed by clicking this…
EWG Report on Fragrance – Not So Sexy!
The EWG just released a report on Fragrances. Below is a part of the report and links to read the entire report. What is important to understand is that these same secret ingredients are used in personal care and household products. That familiar brand fragrance of Tide, Dreft and dryer sheets come from fragrance developed in the same process as the cologne’s and perfumes listed in the EWG Report. This report is not startling to us, but it will be to you. It is clear and concise as well as very easy to understand. Simply if it has a long lasting smell, it is a good chance that your products…
UV “B” Chic and UV “A” Wise – How to avoid skin cancer!
Wendy Steele, Keys CEO UV “B” Chic and UV “A” Wise Video After the shock of being diagnosed with Melanoma Skin Cancer and the aftermath of dealing with all the chemical in my life that cause my skin disorders, the reality set home pretty quickly. My skn could never again be exposed to prolonged UV events. Growing up with a golden tan every summer, sailing the Chesapeak Bay and living in San Diego on a boat caused me to rethink my lifestyle. Moreover, it caused me to become a advocate and spokesperson for UV and sun avoidance. Yes, we make one of the finest sunblocks in the world. Consumer…
KEYS TV – About Keys
KEYS TV About Keys Simple, Effective Pharmaceutical Grade Products for Skin Health Video Many people have asked how we started Keys and why. This short video overview will give you a sense of who we are, why we started and our purpose. As an overview, Wendy Steele, Keys CEO was diagnosed with Melanoma Skin Cancer a little over ten years ago. She survived the cancer, but was terribly afflicted with skin disorders that were diagnosed by doctors as adult acne, eczema, psoriasis,l contact dermatitis and a myriad of other incorrect bad guesses. What she found was that it was the chemicals in prescription skincare and the sunscreens she had to…
Keys on the Road with the Stars..At the Oscar’s
By Wendy Steele, Keys CEO A few years ago when I fell and sprained my ankle, I had to send Bob to Santa Monica CA to meet with 300 Hollywood makeup artists. The trip was to introduce Eye Butter as a natural alternative to eye foundations and creams. Our message then and now was that natural products no longer needed to be a compromise. Our message was and is that Eye Butter, Luminos and Solar Rx actually make people look good on and off camera. Not just for the Red Carpet. Most of you know that Bob is my business partner and also my husband. Since I was then…
Our Green Piece…How It’s Made at Keys!
by Bob Root Keys Technologist Clean, Caring, Concerned and Diligent! Everyone want to know these days what is in your products, what is not in your products and how does the making of your products effect the environment. I thought it might be lighter to use the title Green Piece with an ‘i’ because that is what the PR people call the eco statement that a company offers. Often these are full of $5 dollar words and platitudes. So, I have attempted to inform here without using too many words or big words that have no meaning. I am sure I have missed something, so make sure you use the…
Keys Banned Chemical Series – SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulfate)
Dirty Dozen Chemicals: SLS By Bob Root Keys Technologist Many people that I meet ask me to describe why I do not use certain chemicals. I tell them that my reasons are practical not political. I generally explain in three to five pragmatic reasons why I do not use certain ingredients. Most encourage me to offer my simplified reasons, so I am beginning to undertake why we do not use certain ingredients. In this series of article, I will start with the Dirty Dozen.
New iPhone Application to Track Cosmetic Ingredients
A new iPhone application promises to inform the consumer of which products should be avoided using a database of INCI names and the ingredients allotted safety profile. Cosmetifique can be used with both the iPhone and iPod Touch and claims to have a searchable database of over 5,000 ingredients, in INCI format. Results for ingredients searches come back highlighted as either red, orange or green, to denote whether the ingredient is good, acceptable or should be avoided. According to application designer Alfredo Delli Bovi, this can inform the consumer whether the cosmetics they have bought or are planning on purchasing are dangerous to their health or the environment. Cosmetifique also allows favourite…
Acne Solutions…Cause and Effect!
Acne Solutions. Real or Unreal? By Bob Root, Keys Technologist There are many acne treatments on the market promising a quick result. They work quickly and as quickly, the skin rebounds, for most with, with a vengeance. We receive a lot of emails from people wondering what we have for treating acne. Ironically, Keys is in business because of acne treatment. More about that later. The major quick fix for acne has been the same since the 1920’s. The chemical is called Benzyol Peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is an compound in the organic peroxide family. It consists of two benzoyl groups joined by a peroxide group. Benzoyl peroxide is used as an acne treatment, for improving flour, for…
New Eye Butter – A Better Butter
New Eye Butter Softer, smoother and more effective anti-aging properties By Bob Root, Keys Technologist Eye Butter is now better butter. The ingredients are the same. The amount of each ingredient has not changed. Two of the processes in making Eye Butter have been changed to increase its efficacy and soften the consistency while also being smoother.
Phthalates Linked To ADHD
In keeping with our commitment to keep you informed about studies dealing with the Dirty Thirty chemicals, here is a synopsis and link to a recent article regarding phthalates in personal care products. Please note that we have tracked the use of phthalates in room fresheners, scented candles, dryer sheets, laundry detergents, cologne/perfumes and a high percentage of personal care products. The consumer simple rule that we suggest is that if a product has a strong fragrance that lasts for a long time, it is most likely synthetic and contains a form of phthalate. When in doubt inquire to a product manufacture for assurance that their products do not contain phthalates. …
New Mini Size Galleyon Foaming Natural Antibacterial Soap! Just in Time for Flu and Cold Season!!
Galleyon Mini Naturally Antibacterial Foaming Castile Soap, 50 ml (1.69 oz) Our customers have asked and asked for a smaller purse size version of Galleyon. The problem has been finding a foamer mechanism small enough and durable enough for the high levels of natural spearmint essential oil that we use as our major antibacterial agent. Great for the pocket or purse during flu season, Galleyon was first developed for professionals that wanted an antibacterial soap, but without the harsh biocide chemicals. Doctors, nurses, chefs and many other professionals are required to wash their hands many times a day. The harsh chemicals in all antibacterial soaps left their hands cracked, chapped…
EWG Report Released Today…457 chemical Contaminants in Cleaning Products
Research links school air quality to school cleaning supplies Keys Note: Although we are a natural skin remedy and health company, we have long said that many skin disorders are misdiagnosed and caused by chemicals in household products. Because this report is about schools, on the surface, do not dismiss this report when choosing your household cleaning products. Especially your laundry detergents that come in direct contact with your skin. At Keys, we believe that 95+% of all household cleaning products contain harmful chemicals to humans and pets and cause over 75% of diagnosed skin disorders. Our belief…What’s yours? Please read this summary and the linked report for your own…
The California Women’s Conference…One Guy and 22,000 Women
Well, I am not the only guy. There are a few of us. As the Keys formulator, I was asked to attend this year’s California Women’s Conference to answer questions and talk to the press and celebrities about our line of chemical-free skin care products. I arrived in LA last week. It is always a home coming for me. This year was the same, but different. After all, I was going to be hanging out with 22,000 women in one of my favorite towns, Long Beach. It is about four hours until the festivities begin and the energy here is heavy heavy supercharged and electric. I will be adding things…
Finding your Voice at the California Women’s Conference
By Wendy Steele, Keys CEO So what happens when over 20,000 women convene at a special conference in Long Beach CA hosted by The People’s Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger and California First Lady Maria Shriver? Well, we are about to find out! Keys is excited to participate in the CA Women’s Conference events on Monday October 26 and Tuesday October 27. During the event, Keys is exhibiting with one of its LA based retail partners Lavender Natural Beauty. If you are in Long Beach, please visit with us on site at the conference in Booth 846. I am struck by the great potential for thousands of women who I believe will be inspired by what they hear, see and feel in the next 2 days. …
Blogging…Not So Innocent
Blogging Debunking – Federal Style By Bob Root, Keys Technologist And it did not take a Michael Moore Film…. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), protects consumers from fraud or deceptive business practices, voted 4 to 0 to update its rules governing endorsements, and the new guidelines require bloggers and celebrities to clearly disclose any “material connection” to and including payments for an endorsement or free product. This is the first time since 1980 that the FTC has updated its rules on the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. In addition to covering bloggers, the new FTC rules state that celebrity endorsers can be held liable for false statements about…
Keys Clear Cosmetics
Clear Cosmetics – Keys Makeup By Bob Root, Keys Chief Technologist When I am in front of customers, doctors, estheticians, makeup artists, actors and cosmeticians, the question is always the same. “When is Keys going to create a makeup line?” My answer is when I can find safe ingredients that have the right colors and staying power. I began looking at traditional makeup about four years ago. I studied conventional makeup products as well as the mineral makeups. What I found in common was a group of minerals and compounds that are earth derived from oxides or rock ground into small particles that are suspended either in a cream, lotion or…
Luminos: A Revolution in Makeup, by Design
How Does Luminos Work…A new generation of makeup by design. By Bob Root, Keys Technologist Authors note: Everywhere I go, women and men come up to me say, “Show me that Luminos thing you do?” What they are talking about is a little illusion I do with Luminos that is more than an illusion. I turn my hands, palms down, show them the back of my hands and then rub Luminos on the back of just one hand. Two seconds and I show them the back of both hands again, side-by-side. The Luminos hand is clear, smooth and any redness is gone. I move from one lighting area to another…
The Dirty Thirty. A Reprised Dirty Dozen… 30 Bad Boy Chemicals!
At Keys, we have a core philosophy to not use any chemicals in our products that remotely have health concerns, known allergens or irritants. Like many, we started our business based on a need and we try to minimize negative marketing. If we were to list all the no’s, it would fill an entire web page. We chose to use the term chemical-free although it outrages the chemists of the world. All of our ingredients are on the labels and listed with the EWG Skin Deep Report. So the purpose of writing about the Dirty Thirty is to give you an education of what chemicals are typically used in skincare,…
Keys Chosen By California Women’s Conference
One of the premier conferences every year for and about women is the California Women’s Conference hosted by Maria Shriver and the Governor of California. This year, Keys was honored to be invited as one of the sponsors of the conference being asked to have our Luminos be included in the speakers’ gift bags. Many conferences permit vendors to buy their way into participation. For this conference it is an invitation only honor that delighted us to receive. There will be 118 speakers from the entire globe that includes Sir Richard Branson, Kelly Preston, Maria Shriver and numerous noteworthy speakers. Click Here for a complete list of speakers. The conference…
Nano Zinc Oxide… Hundreds of Studies Show It’s Safe! Really!
By Bob Root, Keys Technologist One day when I was young, I was reading an issue of Popular Science Magazine with a story about a bold project to put man into space. I was so excited. Like many young people, I fantasized about flying in space. I became an avid follower of early rocket pioneers and awaited the day when the first manned rocket would launch. A few months before the first test launch was to fire, my mother, in sheer terror, headed for church to join other devoted to pray for the salvation of mankind. When I asked her what it was about, she exclaimed that “the world will…
Take a prescription topical, grow your eyelashes…are you kidding me?
by Wendy Steele, Keys CEO I did a double-take when I read some hoopla about a drug company suing a cosmetic company over an ingredient that they both touted as a miraculous eyelash growth ingredient. Then I saw a commercial where a celebrity was touting the growth of her eyelashes to taking this prescription topical (never mind all of potential side effects they mention)? YIKES! I thought about my teen years, as that was when my eyelashes started becoming the focus of my attention and quest for “beautiful long lashes”. Being the only girl with two brothers, I was distressed and annoyed that both of my brothers had full, long and lush eyelashes…
Keys To Make Appearence on Emmy Nominated Showtime Series Weeds!
Congratulations to the Weeds team for all your Emmy Nominations!!! Special congrats to Mary Louise Parker, Elisabeth Perkins and the entire Weeds team. Keys on Weeds Well we think it is true. We heard from an informant that Keys will be featured on Episode 10 of the hit Showtime Series “Weeds.” We have been working with the team using Solar RX and Luminos along with some of our other products. Rumor has it that some of our products will be seen during the episode in a bathroom scene. Keys has been extremely popular in Hollywood because our Luminos and Solar Rx provide a soft focus effect for the skin. This…
Ideal Bite – Quick Information On Green
Ideal Bite recently featured Keys RediCare in an article titled Chump mosquitoes got your kid down for the count? You can read the article by Clicking Here.
Why We Use Airless Pumps and Not Tubes
Airless Pumps versus Tubes By Bob Root Keys Technologist I am often asked the question of why I chose airless pumps for our products over traditional tubes. Well, there is no simple answer, but a series of reasons that we chose this very advanced technology developed in the Netherlands along with our design team. The most important reasons are health, safety and cleanliness of the product. True, tubes are less expensive, easier to fill and more common. The problem with tubes is that they were never designed for natural products.
Industry News – CDC to Explore Environmental Links to Disease
By BETSY MCKAY , Wall St Journal The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched an environmental public-health tracking network to help scientists and the public explore potential links between environmental contaminants and chronic diseases.
RediCare – Healing Spray and Natural Insect Repellent for People and Their Pets!
Miracle product? Could Be! RediCare is certainly, a product that has touched so many people and pets in a positive way that we just had to write this article. Keys RediCare offers solutions to skin disorders, internal disorders that cause the skin to react, itch and breakdown. For sunburns, burns and scrapes, RediCare performs equally as well. RediCare is a natural insect repellent and much more. It all begins with the story of how RediCare became such a universal product. It was born from inspiration, a natural disaster and the people and the animals that suffered from exposure to chemicals, poisons, exposure and pollutants. The Keys RediCare story is as important…
Keys Featured in Super Natural Home Book
Beth Greer had been living what she considered a healthy lifestyle when a medical crisis prompted her to reevaluate everything—from the food she ate to the personal-care products she used and the environment she lived in. Now, in Super Natural Home,
Keys Solar Rx Featured in G Free Diet by Elisabeth Hasselbeck
New Gluten-Free book by Elisabeth Hasselbeck of “The View” ABC Television Talk Show has featured Keys Solar Rx in the book. Keys Solar Rx has been listed as the most effective moisturizing sunscreen by the EWG , Consumer Reports and is now featured by Elisabeth because it is also gluten-free.
Solar Flare! What you don’t know can kill you!
Solar Flare – What you don’t know can kill you! Whitepaper by Wendy Steele, Keys Founder (updated from 2007) Your skin is the first thing that people notice about you—at every age! We often take it for granted. The fact is we rely on our skin health to protect us every day of our lives, as the body’s first defense from the damaging effects of the environment. What you choose to do to your skin has everything to do with the skin results that you will get. Everyday, people use soaps, scrubs, gels, toners, lotions, creams, skin lighteners, brighteners, faders—and the list goes on! Most of these products contain chemicals…
By Bob Root, Keys CTO I spend 300 days a year on the road, out and about with our customers, retailers and at industry events. I receive numerous questions every day. The majority are inspiring and educational for me. Almost daily, though, I receive questions that relate to opinions expressed by some people or companies that are not based in fact, and literally scare people. They strike fear in people and I wonder what motivates these fearmongers to use negative marketing to further themselves or to try to elevate themselves in other peoples’ eyes. We see both companies and journalists using fear tactics to try and sell themselves, products and…
Keys Solar Rx #1 Again On EWG Sunscreen Report
Once again Keys Solar Rx tops the best and safest sunblock on the Environmental Working Group 2009 Sunscreen Report. Now two years in a row, Solar Rx tops the Moisturizing Category for the safest and most effective sunscreen protection. Wendy Steele, Keys CEO said, “I am thrilled for Keys to be #1 again. I am even more thrilled for the people this report will touch because the EWG has refined this years report to be a significant tool in the prevention of skin cancer in children and adults. By seperating Beach and Sports for everyday sun protection, creating the Mosturizer with Sunscreen category is profound and a huge leap for…
Bob Root on Super Natural Mom Radio Show
Bob Root, Keys Founder and Technologist was interviewed by Beth Greer, author of “The Super Natural Home” on her radio show, The Super Natural Mom, yesterday. The broadcast was live and can be heard by click the link below or the download link. (large file, so we do not recommend downloading). There were a number of subjects discussed including the meaning of the word “Natural” and “Organic” in the safe cosmetics market as well as misuse in the traditional over-the-counter skincare market. Also discussed are some of the chemicals commonly used by skin care companies and the potential health hazards. The Super Natural Mom-07/01/09 Played: 0 | Download |…
Sun Safe? Preventing skin cancer and premature aging.
by Wendy Steele, Keys CEO As a melanoma survivor, people listen when I talk about how Keys Solar Rx sunblock when used daily, can help prevent skin cancer. They really listen when I tell them that it is the most effective anti-aging product available today. Yes, 90% of all visible skin aging comes from exposure to UVA and UVB. Most people now know that there is a difference between UVA and UVB and that SPF rated sunscreens only protect against the burning UVB (UV-Burning ) rays. They do nothing to protect from the deep penetrating UVA (UV-Aging) rays that destroy skin elasticity and break down the collagen that gives our…
About Us!, Functions and Uses, Keys Articles, Natural Beauty, Natural Healing, Press, Product Ingredients, Skin 101, Skin Disorders, Sun Protection - Anti-Aging
About Us, The Stories Behind The Keys Story
What happens when a brainiac boyfriend discovers his smokin hot girlfriend has Melanoma. He fixes the problems! ...and this is how Keys products were born
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